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MyMaintenance: the conservation of your infrastructure

Strategic optimisation of your maintenance
A set of dashboards and compiled data to implement a maintenance strategy:
  • Identify, prepare and estimate your maintenance actions
  • Schedule your actions according to your multi-year budget, monitor their completion and the associated guarantees
  • Benefit from work recommendations and estimates of their completion to optimise the maintenance of your assets with the help of scenarios

Have access to our group’s expertise in corrective and preventive maintenance through strategic modules to help you better meet your needs.

Creation of works

Decision trees

Budgeting of works

Monitoring the compliance
of the work

Multi-annual work planning

Scenario planning for works


Preventive maintenance recommendations

Work planning

MyMaintenance module pour optimiser la maintenance avec budget et planification

Add customised types of work by asset, by family of assets or by geographical area.

Automatically create and associate a repair action from a detected fault.

Estimate the cost of your work for efficient decision making.

Follow-up of operations

budget maintenance planning

Optimise the programming of maintenance operations through a schedule.

Assign work to operational teams.

Check the correct execution and improve the condition of your infrastructure.

Maintenance strategy

scenarisation programmation maintenance corrective infrastructure

Plan your repair actions over several years according to your strategy (quality of service and budget).

Script the work and visualise the impact of a budgetary policy.

Access to expert support in the projection of deterioration to the structure.

Have a precise view of the operations done in order to optimise your multi-year work programme.

Discover the other Beyond Asset modules