Beyond Asset

Your digital solution
to manage infrastructure operations.


More than 20 years of experience


Exceeding 2,500 users


Over 2.5 M assets managed

Optimise Develop Enhance Digitize Plan your infrastructure management

The MyAsset module brings together all the attribute data, documents, plans and photos of your infrastructure in a single database. The filter engine allows you to quickly and easily find any information concerning your assets.

The MyInspection module organises all visits to your structures. It monitors the completion of operations to ensure that your inspection policy is respected.

The MyMaintenance module makes it possible to identify the work that needs to be done, prioritise it according to budgetary and operational constraints, and then optimises the multi-year programming.

The added values of Beyond Asset

Homogenisation and structuring of all infrastructure management processes, in the office and field.

Dashboards summarise collected data and access to specific reports (inspection, audit, etc.) provide a global and detailed view of all your infrastructure.

A solution based on over 20 years of experience.

Collaboration with strategic players throughout the life cycle of your infrastructure: manufacturers, concessionaires, managers or inspectors.

Our solution dedicated to: Engineering structures Hydraulic Infrastructure Signals

Beyond Asset references